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Reconstructing Descartes Argument Essay

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Reconstructing Descartes argument
The Process of Elimination
In this process, Descartes says that a process called elimination can make a choice. This process is used when one has many choices. They take and argue out one choice at a time and finally choose the one that feels the best. Through this process, the last choice that is considered the best option is taken to be the truth. For the process of elimination to take place, first the head has to have a perception of something for example an object. The principle of elimination is then applied to prove the validity of the perception.

The two statements provided, ‘I am merely possibly embodied’ and ‘I necessarily posses the attribute of thinking’ possibly mean the same thing. The statement continues to be summarized to express that; thinking belongs to my essence while embodiment does not. Therefore, I am essentially a thinking thing. In the first statement, it is clear that the person implies that he is not attached to any form of a body. He says that his mind is free and is merely influenced by any external force. 
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This means that he is a free thinker, and this can be assumed to mean that his mind is capable of perception. In the summary, the statement also emphasizes that, thinking belongs to his essence. Essence as we understand are the set of attributes that make an object what it is and without which, it would lose its identity. The attributes are therefore a necessity for the object. The statement therefore emphasizes that the thinking is an important attribute to him and is a necessity to him. Without thinking, he loses his individuality. The individual therefore possess the power of perception. With the power of perception through thinking then there is the necessity to use the process of elimination to establish if the perception is the truth or not.
In the last part of the conclusion, the person says that he is therefore a thinking thing. By virtue of being a thinking thing, the individual is in a position to use the process of elimination. This is because the process of elimination entails laying the choices on the table and arguing them out one by one. Argument requires a lot of critical thinking and therefore an individual who is a thinking thing is good at arguing. It is possible to assume that a thinking thing is a process of elimination argument. This is because; the process of elimination can only take place when there thinking: and it cannot exist without thinking because the person using the elimination process has to argue out by thinking which option or perception is true. By virtue of the person being a thinking thing, it is easy for him to think and know which perception is false and eliminate it and which is true hence apply it.
We can therefore conclude that after the examination of all aspects of the statement; and after the consideration of the process of elimination. The two are the same thing. The two statements refer to the same assumption therefore, they can be applied interchangeably. Hence, it can be claimed that Descartes argument has been reconstructed.
Work cited
David Stewart, H. Gene Blocker, Fundamentals of philosophy. Prentice Hall. 2001. Pg 157

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