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Climate Change and Global Warming Essay

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Climate change and global warming 
It is obvious that climate change is one of the utmost threats facing the planet. As the climate changes, the earth warms up and now there is overpowering scientific evidence that there are changes and that they are human induced. The increase of global warming, cause’s reduction in species and their habitats hence it is difficult to sustain a natural ecosystem. There is also evidence of increased temperatures in recent years in different regions and extreme weather patterns.
Global sustainability
Sustaining the globe is a difficult task now and a method is yet to be developed. However, demand on the earths worldly, aquatic, freshwater and atmospheric systems persist to increase, while the society fails to stem biodiversity loss. It is necessary to for us to meet humanity’s increase and interacting need for food, water and energy. In addition, to safeguard the planets capacity of delivering an expansive variety of ecosystem including carbon storage and climate regulation. In affluent societies, there is continued increase in material consumption, nevertheless the planets poorest people remain at stake.
This shows the urgency to find improvement methods that can develop the value of life for the planets increasing population in the face of interacting pressures for globalization. Climate change and trade are global forces affecting welfare at many levels; however, locals suffer the consequences. An effective system to manage human activity that affected or affects earth system processes is required.
It has been quite difficult however, for the systems created to be maintained. This is because the US and some other countries plus many big corporations reject the treaties that are created in fear of how the will affect their economy and profits. Nevertheless, as new climate change science emerges, many businesses are becoming receptive and pushing their governments for more action and clarification of the rules.
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Uncertainties surrounding the issues
There are certain uncertainties that surround the issues of climate change. The first is the magnitude timing and form of future global crisis. The other is the mode of human response, the extent and value of prospect institutional and enlightening adjustments. Portentous environmental risks offer enough reasons to doubt the possibility of a systematic planet transition.
Global Poverty, inequality, injustice and polarization encourage a threatening sequence of antagonism and violence that destroys the frail structure of international understanding, harmony and teamwork. The increased international interdependence has brought about some political, economic and security challenges. The struggle to access and control oil continues among nations. As the demand grows, the struggle may persist while supplies dwindle. The problem is most of the oil reserves are in a few nations of uncertain stability. Therefore, even after the systems to maintain the globe are applied it is difficult to tell if they will still be in place years later.
As earlier mentioned, human resilience is another uncertainty. The upcoming dangers require a steady and cooperative response from the planet to boost communal capacity to predict, alleviate and adopt. This means that nations have to avoid destabilizing stresses and reduce those that exist to tolerable capacities. This way it will be possible to face the challenges that come in the future and sustain the solutions that have been implemented. Global warming and climate change are major challenges in the present: And are the main challenges facing world leaders. I hope that the issues will be resolved and the globe can adopt them in cooperation and peace. 
Hansen J., (2009). Storms of my grandchildren: the truth about the coming climate catastrophe and our last chance to save humanity, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
May E. Caron Z, (2009). Global Warming For Dummies. Wiley-IEEE
Dessler E. A. Parson A.E,  (2010). The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate. Cambridge University Press
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