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Effects of Advertisements Essays

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Effects of Advertisements
Every time I see an advertisement the first question I ask myself is who came up with the idea of advertisement. This idea was taken and implemented in so many ways. It is from this idea that we laugh our hearts off every time we see a funny carton advert or a silly advertisement on TV. Sometimes I wonder if advertisers understand that advertisements they put on TV have so much impacts on the viewers. Some people are more sensitive than others. Others have different believes and traditions that affect the reaction of the viewers.

There are advertisements for example that are targeted for young people but their parents happen to come across them. These parents and other older adults may disapprove of these advertisements. This is mostly owed to the fact that many advertisements these days are done by actresses or models that are half naked. This brings so many questions to what the advertisers really seek to accomplish in using half naked models for their advertisements. It only clarifies the fact that sex has really been commercialized in the contemporary world. An advertisement concerning a detergent or a kitchen product is done by women who are half naked and it begs the question; why dint they use a normal house wife to do the advertisement besides it would be more relevant.
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In the same way, sometimes young people feel that an advertisement is boring; this is not because the advertisement is really boring but because it is meant for the older generation and therefore the advertisers did not care to use scarcely dressed women. We seem to think that young people marvel at this advertisements because every generation is fascinated by different things. However, it is also possible to assume that all this started from the parents’ generation. Remember how they used to marvel at people wearing mini-skirts and spaghetti tops during their time/ well it just got a little worse by the day. The just the skirts a little shorter and started putting on hot pants in public.
One time we were watching television with my mum and some of her friends are a few years older than her. During the commercial break for the soap a Cadbury chocolate commercial came on; in this advertisement a football stay at home mum was feeling very low and bored. However after taking a cup of Cadbury chocolate, her moods are transformed and elevated to a point where her clothes change in to those of a young hot woman. She even finds a microphone in her hands and goes on top of the table to dance and sing to the tune, ‘I feel good’. I did not really enjoy the advertisement because I felt that the woman was too old to be dancing on top of the table like a drunken youngster.
My resentments however were seconded by the women. One of them commented and said,’ if I know that such substance will bring me such madness, why should I take it? Advertisers should learn to be more creative or else they will really put us off.’ I just laughed as the others continued to support her views. The advertisers may not have thought that in a million years any one would have hated on their advert. I do not know if it’s just me, but the advertisers really need to rethink their advertising techniques.
Esgate P. Lieberman a. (2002) the entertainment marketing revolution, FT Press
 Sutherland M. (2009) Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer, Allen & Unwin
 Tibbs A. beattie T (2010) Advertising: Its Business, Culture and Career, Taylor & Francis
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