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Order Your Leadership Style Essay Now
Styles of leadership
Leadership style is the approach and manner which is used in the provision of direction, implementation of plans and the motivation of people.
1.      Autocratic or authoritarian style
In this style of leadership, the leader retains much power and has authority in decision making. The leader does not consult his or her employees and the employees are expected to obey all orders from the leader without seeking any explanations (Northouse, 2009). Workers are motivated through the creation of structured set of punishments and rewards. Autocratic leaders rarely trust their employees and they highly rely on punishments and treats to influence their employees.
2.      Delegative or the free reign style
In this style of leadership, the leader allows the workers or employees to make decisions though the leader is the final decision maker. This style can also be termed as the Laissez-Faire leadership styles (Kippenberger, 2002). In this style, the leader provides less or no direction to the employees. Authority is also given to the employees to make their own decisions, solve their problems and determine their own goals. This style is highly effective when the employees are high skilled, trustworthy, experienced and have a self drive.
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3.      Participative style
This leadership style involves sharing of information with employees by involving them in the process of decision making (Northouse, 2009). In this style, leaders encourage employees to run their own departments and also make decisions on processes and policies. Employees are also involved in the process of decision making hence giving them the sense of motivation and belonging. This leadership style mainly cures low morale which leads to low productivity on the side of the employees. In this style, the employees must have communication skills technical experience and high intelligence to make concrete decisions (Kippenberger, 2002).
4.      Diplomatic style
The leaders in this style usually bring cooperation into the entire group or the organization. The diplomats are focused and serene and are able to deal with the problems of every one in the organization as well as to build consensus (Kippenberger, 2002). To enhance this style, diplomats should be well focused towards the achievement of the organizational goals. This style enhances motivation and cooperation in the organization and people feel respected.
5.      Bureaucratic style
In this style, leadership is done in accordance with the set polices and procedures of the organization. That is the leader is mainly responsible for the enforcement of the policies (Northouse, 2009). The style is effective when the employees are working using dangerous equipment's, they are performing the duties over and over, they are required to understand certain standards and procedures and if they are working in tasks which requires handling cash (Kippenberger, 2002).
Personal favorite style
Participative style of leadership is my favorite style of leadership. This style enhances a two-way communication as the workers are allowed to view their information, ideas and knowledge. Also when people are allowed to voice out their ideas and make decisions, they tend to view the job as their won and would always try hard to support it. When workers are given responsibilities, they will work harder, more enthusiastically, high motivation level and more efficiently (Kippenberger, 2002). This style enhances personal participation which results into maximum human contribution in the organization leading to the accomplishments of the organizational goals. 
Kippenberger.T, (2002). Leadership Styles. John Wiley & Sons
Northouse.P.G, (2009). Leadership: Theory and Practice. SAGE
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