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Online Shopping Patterns Essays

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Online Shopping Patterns
When doing online shopping it is important to ensure that the products you are purchasing are authentic. At times consumers fail check for the authenticity of products especially when they are shopping online.Authenticity means that the logo, name and trademarks are genuine. Online shopping can be tricky as it is rather difficult to recognize the brand that is genuine from the counterfeit brand. Online shopping can at times be a bit misleading therefore, it is important to access the product you are purchasing to ensure it is genuine.
The only way that one can tell the difference between counterfeit products from a genuine product when shopping online is by accessing the trademark of the company. Every company has its own unique trademark so if a consumer is careful enough they are likely to recognize a fake product from a genuine product. The product logo is another tool a consumer can use to tell the authenticity of a product. Consumers could seek the help of the product producers by linking to their websites when shopping online to avoid brand jacking.
How internet changed brand policing Trademarks, company or institution logos and company brands are vital to any organization.Organizations and companies do everything in their power to protect their reputation. Corporation knows the importance of protecting their reputation from becoming generic.The internet has had massive changes with the question brand policing. Brian Maynard who is the marketing manager for Kitchen Aid recognizes that it is vital to protect brands from attacks. These attacks have effects on the stock price of an organization. Brian argues that the brands of any corporation have equity in terms of millions of dollars. Therefore, if any individual violates a brand he erodes the organization of its returns. Order Your Essay Now
According to Brian, the internet has enhanced the tracking of fraud and illegal tactics that violate Kitchen Aid. Cyber squatting entails using a URL that is registered to track fraud activities. With development of the internet, illicit activities can be detected as they occur. Some of the challenges that never existed before the internet include brand jacks, the use of another company’s logo to make fake products and marketing products using the name of a recognized company. This challenge rip a company of it profits.
Internet and brand recognition Even before the invention of the internet, companies that were well established had brand recognition that was strong form the consumers of their products. Brands such as Disney and the coke company have continued to enjoy great recognition for their products. The wake of internet use has been of great aid in the marketing of companies products. A company like coke has been able to advertise its products online. This has been enhanced further by online shopping option. This has created massive awareness on the company’s products. Though online marketing and shopping has been faced with the challenge of brand jacking we must appreciate the benefits it has come with. Online only companies are also faced with the challenge of brand jacking. This robs the company of its returns to illegal people. This makes the company to suffer losses. Online only companies have tried to device ways of curbing illegal activities by incorporating the services of legal personnel to charge those infringing their products. Brand jacking is a problem that has been affecting companies with the introduction of the internet. Bibliography
Frazen G and Moriarty S, 2008, the science and art of branding, M.E. Sharpe
Kapferer J. N., 2008, the new strategic brand management, Kogan page publishers
Postman J., 2009, socialcorp: social media goes corporate, Peachpit Press
Prussakov E., 2008, online shopping through consumers’ eyes, AM Navigator LLC
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